You Reap What You Sow - Galatians 6:1-7
Hello again! I feel like an expert on this one! My past occasionally haunts me with some of my actions and words that were harshly spoken. I have never mocked God that I am aware of, but I have asked Him for forgiveness on this one. Because I was an adolescent as we all were at some point, I spent a lot of time away from the Word of God.
It was a time of trouble for me and while I thought I was having fun, I didn't realize that Satan had taken over my life in many ways. I paid a high price for many things. He still tries to take me over, but I fight him off. You see he doesn't come after the people he controls, he comes after God's people. They are the ones who are a challenge to him.
It took some really bad things happening in my life to wake me up again. Divorce was one of them. I was a battered wife for many years and my son and I suffered for a long time. I do forgive my ex and I pray for him, because if I didn't I would have that hurt haunting me forever. It gave me freedom again and I don't live with resentment. I was able to move on and live my life happy and free.
I was always a believer in the Lord but I'm also a sinner as everyone is. I was raised Catholic and God was always a part of my life. My mother is a devout Christian as is most of my family. When I need to understand the Word of God, I turn to my Son as he has the best understanding and knowledge of the The Word of God. Better than most I have met. I also turn to my Mother as she has a great understanding and knowledge too.
Both read the Bible everyday and my son and I talk almost daily on new discoveries we have found in God's Words. He helps me to understand when I misinterpret what I'm reading. It's awesome! We have built an amazing relationship centered around love and God. What more can you ask for in life!
While some relate Karma to sowing and reaping, it is different because one usually doesn't see see good things coming from Karma. I understand Karma because I grew up in the 70's. John Lennon sang a song about Instant Karma. Karma is way different than reaping what you sow. Then, there’s grace! Karma believers don’t often take grace and mercy into account. God’s law of sowing and reaping includes much grace and mercy. You can learn from the good things you do, and you can also learn from the wrong things you do. You can learn from successes as well as mistakes. You can pay a high price for mistakes. Mistakes can destroy relationships, jobs, marriages and so much more. I don't really believe in Karma anymore.
These verses in Galatians are some I love! Paul the apostle is the Author of Galatians and I love the way he teaches about reaping and sowing.
Galatians 6:1-7
6 Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.
2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
3 If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves.
4 Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else,
5 for each one should carry their own load.
6 Nevertheless, the one who receives instruction in the word should share all good things with their instructor.
7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.
8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
When you help others, you feel rewarded, it's called the "fruit of the Holy Spirit." We all have a calling, most are not compassionate enough to see it or understand what they have been called for. I see the "fruit" in most believers, by their words and deeds. When you have the fruit of the Holy Spirit within you, it's effortless to help others who are suffering. There is only one way to get that "fruit" and that is to read God's Word everyday and follow it. You will know when you have the fruit, because it brings you joy and you feel it in your heart. You can also see the fruit of others. It's very obvious as soon as they begin speaking. Sometimes they don't have to say a word, you can just feel it.
There is a joy in finishing good works for the Lord ( John 4:34) and that joy isn’t dependent on the harvest that may come later.
Doing good without any expectations of reward is an amazing feeling, even when you don't see any of the rewards. In other moments you get rewards you never expected. By the Grace and Mercy of God. If you can't find a way to help, pray for them.
Sowing generously, there is always some kind of reward. Some rewards are easy to see and others harder to see, no need keep score, it will be obvious eventually.
I've learned many lessons, and been given many second chances even when I do wrong things. God is extremely generous with both grace and mercy!
Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously ( 2 Corinthians 9:6).
“Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy” ( Psalm 126:5). Even when bad things are happening, remember that it will get better. Everything happens for a reason.
( John 4:37-38) God’s kingdom is a world of walking by faith not sight.
God always brings many blessings—both deserved and undeserved.
Are you reaping what you sow?
I" m leaving you with a song by the Byrd's. It's a song that is in the book of Ecclesiastes. For Everything there is a season.
Thanks for stopping by!
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