Isaiah 24 and 25
This seems to be happening now. If you are a Believer this will ring true to you. What I have found is the Bible is full of Wisdom and Knowledge and it also shows you that what happened thousands of years ago is coming back around and is again happening. Please read and understand.
This is nothing new, it happened in the days of Noah and we are now full circle. Back in the days of Noah. The earth will be judged and destroyed and most of the people (90%) will end up in Hades with Satan. The path to the Lord is narrow. Are you on it or are you on the wide path?
This world has become unrecognizable. When God cleansed the earth the first time, Noah and the flood, the only way he could do it was to destroy it. The same is happening now. If you look around it's full of Idolatry ( worshipping athletes, movie stars, politicians and many other idols) It's full of porn, adultery, arrogance and pride, unbelief, child trafficking, prostitution, alcoholism, drugs, lying, stealing, murder, greed, gluttony and so much more.
I had trouble with some of these myself. I used to be a glutton for food, spend several yeas overweight and eating everything in sight, I was very unhealthy. Through my journey I became very healthy and lost 80 pounds. I fasted and gave my troubles to God and he led me through a transformation. I had trouble with greed. I spent years working with manufacturers (most of you know) using their products to design scrapbook pages and projects. I got greedy for free product and the result was that I had so much product in my house I had no room to breath. I gave it away to the schools and others and now I feel so much better. I still have a few hobbies but now I donate excess to others. Makes my heart happy.
24Here in the United States you see the people scattering from one state to another. Many left New York and California. You have immigrants in every state, some looking for a better life, some here for other reasons. There will only be a remnant left here, by remnant I mean the Chosen: the Believers. If you don't repent and come back to the Lord you will be judged and sent to the Pit with Satan. By Believers I don't mean going to church on Sunday. I mean a daily relationship with God, in his Word and in Prayer and repentance everyday.
We are sinners and will need to follow his plans for us. The only way to understand his plans is to open your Bible and read the whole Book of His Life. Understand it and follow it. The path to the Lord and eternity with Him is a narrow path and 90% will never find that path, however the path to hell is wide and most will find it. 13 Only a remnant is left.
21 The Leaders of this Nation and all Nations will be judged and punished because they have led the people to sin and have oppressed them. You can see this happening all over the world, not just in the United States. They will be judged and imprisoned and by imprisoned I don't mean a jail cell, I mean in Hades (hell) with their leader Satan.
Destruction of the Earth
Look! The Lord is about to destroy the earth
and make it a vast wasteland.
He devastates the surface of the earth
and scatters the people. (The people are scattering. California and New York and many others)
Priests and laypeople,
servants and masters,
maids and mistresses,
buyers and sellers,
lenders and borrowers,
bankers and debtors—none will be spared.
The earth will be completely emptied and looted.
The Lord has spoken!
The earth mourns and dries up,
and the land wastes away and withers.
Even the greatest people on earth waste away.
The earth suffers for the sins of its people,
for they have twisted God’s instructions,
violated his laws,
and broken his everlasting covenant.
Therefore, a curse consumes the earth.
Its people must pay the price for their sin.
They are destroyed by fire,
and only a few are left alive.
The grapevines waste away,
and there is no new wine.
All the merrymakers sigh and mourn.
The cheerful sound of tambourines is stilled;
the happy cries of celebration are heard no more.
The melodious chords of the harp are silent.
Gone are the joys of wine and song;
alcoholic drink turns bitter in the mouth.
The city writhes in chaos;
every home is locked to keep out intruders.
Mobs gather in the streets, crying out for wine.
Joy has turned to gloom.
Gladness has been banished from the land.
The city is left in ruins,
its gates battered down.
Throughout the earth the story is the same—
only a remnant is left, (Only God's Chosen and Believers will be left. By Believers I mean the people who have a relationship with the Lord. ) This doesn't mean just going to church on Sunday.)
like the stray olives left on the tree
or the few grapes left on the vine after harvest.
But all who are left shout and sing for joy.
Those in the west praise the Lord’s majesty.
In eastern lands, give glory to the Lord.
In the lands beyond the sea, praise the name of the Lord, the God of Israel.
We hear songs of praise from the ends of the earth,
songs that give glory to the Righteous One!
But my heart is heavy with grief.
Weep for me, for I wither away.
Deceit still prevails,
and treachery is everywhere.
Terror and traps and snares will be your lot,
you people of the earth.
Those who flee in terror will fall into a trap,
and those who escape the trap will be caught in a snare.
Destruction falls like rain from the heavens;
the foundations of the earth shake.
The earth has broken up.
It has utterly collapsed;
it is violently shaken.
The earth staggers like a drunk.
It trembles like a tent in a storm.
It falls and will not rise again,
for the guilt of its rebellion is very heavy.
In that day the Lord will punish the gods in the heavens
and the proud rulers of the nations on earth. (The Leaders of this Nation will be punished because they have lead the people to sin and have oppressed them. You can see this happening all over the world, not just in the United States.)
They will be rounded up and put in prison.
They will be shut up in prison
and will finally be punished.
Then the glory of the moon will wane,
and the brightness of the sun will fade,
for the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will rule on Mount Zion.
He will rule in great glory in Jerusalem,
in the sight of all the leaders of his people.
Isaiah 25
Praise for Judgment and Salvation
O Lord, I will honor and praise your name,
for you are my God.
You do such wonderful things!
You planned them long ago,
and now you have accomplished them.
You turn mighty cities into heaps of ruins.
Cities with strong walls are turned to rubble.
Beautiful palaces in distant lands disappear
and will never be rebuilt.
Therefore, strong nations will declare your glory;
ruthless nations will fear you.
But you are a tower of refuge to the poor, O Lord,
a tower of refuge to the needy in distress.
You are a refuge from the storm
and a shelter from the heat.
For the oppressive acts of ruthless people
are like a storm beating against a wall,
or like the relentless heat of the desert.
But you silence the roar of foreign nations.
As the shade of a cloud cools relentless heat,
so the boastful songs of ruthless people are stilled.
In Jerusalem,[a] the Lord of Heaven’s Armies
will spread a wonderful feast
for all the people of the world.
It will be a delicious banquet
with clear, well-aged wine and choice meat.
There he will remove the cloud of gloom,
the shadow of death that hangs over the earth.
He will swallow up death forever!
The Sovereign Lord will wipe away all tears.
He will remove forever all insults and mockery
against his land and people.
The Lord has spoken!
In that day the people will proclaim,
“This is our God!
We trusted in him, and he saved us!
This is the Lord, in whom we trusted.
Let us rejoice in the salvation he brings!”
For the Lord’s hand of blessing will rest on Jerusalem.
But Moab will be crushed.
It will be like straw trampled down and left to rot.
God will push down Moab’s people
as a swimmer pushes down water with his hands.
He will end their pride
and all their evil works.
The high walls of Moab will be demolished.
They will be brought down to the ground,
down into the dust.
I spent the last year reading the Bible and it was quite the journey. I found myself crying everyday as I read through it. I found the Holy Spirit living within my heart and I am so glad I did. I'm happier, kinder and more compassionate towards others. I don't judge people by their outwardly appearance anymore and I don't judge them for their troubles. On my journey I also found the evil demons that surround us everyday. Satan has been unleashed for a short time and his time is almost over, he's desperate to take as many with him as possible. Are you one of them? I will fight him until God takes me. I won't let him have my soul.
If you go by the timelines of the Bible and God's Word, you will understand that we are not far away from judgement. Maybe 3-5 years, maybe sooner. Could be as soon as 2025. Many believe we are in the End Times, including myself.
There is only one way to clean up this mess and that is to destroy it all. Are you ready? How is your relationship with God? Have you repented? Have you read and understood God's Word? He's warning you and you can see the signs if you're paying attention. It's all in the Bible, open it up and enjoy the journey!
Love and blessings to all,
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