Life and Hobbies

Friday, December 27, 2024

Know your Enemy

 What do you do when the enemy goes hard after your family? Expose his lies. Use God’s Word to defeat him. And put on the full armor of God to defend yourself and your family. 

If there is division in your home or family, you can be sure the enemy is behind it. He often uses those closest to us—our own flesh and blood, spouses, in-laws, and friends—to hurt our hearts, causing us deep pain. 

The pain from those closest to us can leave wounds and scars. We must know how he uses our past hurts and current situations to divide, distract, and introduce discontentment into our lives. Ephesians 6:12 says we do not war against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities of darkness. Paul writes to the Ephesians of his day and us, exposing the enemy’s schemes and explaining how to overcome them. 

The enemy uses things in the physical realm to tear down our families. So, when the enemy goes hard after your family, know that he will use people, places, and circumstances in hopes that our homes will become divided. 

Satan’s plan in families is to make them frail so they do not become fruitful. His goal is that families reflect more of the world than the Kingdom. He doesn’t want godly families to create godly children. And division is his first attempt to cut off the fruit from the vine.    

Exposing Satan’s Strategies Against the Family 


Satan’s strategy of bringing about a family’s destruction is always by way of family division. This is his main strategy. Division brings destruction and desolation. If he can sow seeds of dissension, destruction will follow. 

When the enemy goes hard after your family using division, you will notice…

  • Bitterness
  • Unforgiveness
  • A block against clear communication (misunderstandings, silent treatments, yelling, etc.)
  • A lack of joy and peace in the home
  • Words said that are intended to hurt rather than build up

Ephesians 5:11 tells us to take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness but to expose them. When you see how the enemy goes hard after your family, expose his schemes!

Get quiet before God and talk with Him about it. Pray and repent. Pray for those in your family. Get into God’s Word and use it in the battle. 

Always remember who the real enemy is. It isn’t your spouse, children, siblings, or parents. The enemy of your family wants to go undetected because when you discover his work, he knows you are one step closer to exposing them and coming together in reconciliation. He hates it when healing and redemption take place in families. 

Jesus said in Matthew 12:25 that every kingdom—every house—divided against itself is brought to desolation. It cannot stand. 

When the enemy goes hard after your family using division, the answer is reconciliation. 

  • “Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation…”—2 Corinthians 5:18 (emphasis added)

Paul’s words about reconciliation come after a changed perspective (vs. 16 and 17). He once viewed others “according to the flesh.” But he learned that this limited his vision. After coming to know Jesus, his perspective changed to view others as God views them, though difficult at times. 

Ask God to give you eyes to see others as He does. 

  • Seeing others as God does and asking God to give you His heart toward them in difficult circumstances opens doors for the ministry of reconciliation. When the enemy goes hard after your family, ask Jesus to change your perspective.

Ask God to remind you that forgiveness is yours in Jesus. 

  • Remembering how you’ve been forgiven and transformed through faith in Jesus helps you see the need for others to be reconciled to Him. You can’t give away something you don’t remember you have. So, ask God to remind you of the gracious forgiveness He has given you so it can flow through you to those in your family. 


Satan’s strategy of distraction is evident in our culture. Our attention spans have dwindled, and we can’t focus for more than a few minutes at a time when we sit down in prayer or to read God’s Word. His strategy of distraction flows into family interactions, too. 

As parents, we grab our phones to scroll social media or answer that one last work email while also trying to listen to our kids tell us about their bad day at school. Satan looks for ways to tempt us into believing that we can multitask. Yet God says, “Pause and listen to your family. You don’t need to rush these moments. I’ve orchestrated them so you can tell your children how I work in their lives.” 

Many times, multitasking results in distraction. The door of distraction is opened, and Satan creeps into the family to cause division and discontent. 

When the enemy goes hard after your family using distraction, you will notice…

  • Feeling “stuck”
  • Focusing more on yourself than God or others
  • Focusing more on what is happening in your day-to-day rather than seeing daily circumstances as God-moments that He wants to use for your family’s good
  • Finding it difficult to sit still, have quiet time, or read the Word
  • Having an ever-growing to-do list you can never complete
  • Feeling tension in relationships and being unable to identify why or when it started 

Philippians 4:8 tells us to meditate and focus on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, excellent, and praiseworthy. We do this by fixing our eyes on Jesus and asking Him to reveal what is distracting us from Him. Then, ask Him to remind us of His promises. When He exposes the distraction, you can use verses such as Philippians 8:6-8 to bring your heart and mind back to God.  

Get quiet before God and repent of the distractions. Ask Him to refocus your and your family’s minds on Him. Get into the Word and use verses that help renew and transform your thoughts.

Always remember who the real enemy is. It isn’t your schedule, work, activities, relationships, spouse, or children. The enemy uses those things to distract you, but God can use those places and people as grounds for His glory to be displayed. Satan doesn’t want you to notice the distractions because he knows that may be an opportunity to draw nearer to Jesus.    

When the enemy goes hard after your family using distraction, the answer is getting into and praying God’s Word. 

  • “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.”—Psalm 1:2-3 (emphasis added)

David’s words in Psalm 1 remind us of God’s promise to those who meditate on His Word. In Hebrew,  meditate means “to ponder, think about, and murmur.” In other words, read the Word, think about what it says and how to apply it, and speak it out loud. The promise is that you will bear fruit in season. 

Ask God to plant His Word in your mind. 

  • Spending time in God’s Word—the seed (Luke 8:11)—plants it in your heart. Decide to get into God’s Word daily and tell your family what you are learning about Him, yourself, and others. Encourage them to do the same.

Ask God to remind you of the importance of being still. 

  • The distractions we face can cause our heads to spin and our hearts to be unsettled. Sitting still goes against our desire to check things off our to-do lists and keep moving. But it is important to rest and be still. In the stillness of prayer is when God’s voice can be heard. Dedicate 5-10 minutes each morning to simply being still and asking God to speak to your heart. Share what He says to you with your family.  



Satan’s strategy of discontentment dates back to the Garden. God gave humanity a purpose. His design for us is to work, but our work is intended to glorify Him. Satan’s darts of discontentment twist the design of purpose and work into dissatisfaction. If he can get us to work for our glory or desires, he robs us of the satisfaction and joy God intended us to have through it, which is much greater than we can imagine (Ephesians 3:20). 

God created Adam and put him in the Garden to tend and keep it. He told him to eat freely from every tree but to stay away from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God warned Adam that the tree would bring death. 

The serpent enters the story and tells Eve (with Adam standing right next to her) that if she eats from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, she “will be like God.” She saw that the tree was good for food and “desirable to make one wise.” 

Satan’s lie sparked a flame of discontentment. She became dissatisfied with who she was and all God had given to her. This caused her to lose focus on all the good things God made available to her in the Garden of Eden. She decided to disregard the warning and eat because she wanted more—more food, more wisdom. 

When the enemy goes hard after your family using discontentment, you will notice…

  • You feel like what you have isn’t enough
  • Your expectations of others and yourself keep rising, causing friction in the relationship
  • You will begin to doubt the goodness of God
  • You focus on what you don’t have rather than praising God for what you do have

James 1:2-8 tells us to let patience have its perfect work in us so that we lack nothing. Discontentment is from the enemy, but God will use it for good to grow your faith and produce patience. The trial of discontentment has the potential to bring us joy. Why? Because through the trials, we are given opportunities to trust God more, mature in our walk with Him, and see how we truly have all we ever need in Jesus.   

Get quiet before God and repent of the discontentment. Ask Him to remind you and your family of all He has given you—from physical to spiritual blessings. 

Always remember who the real enemy is. He wants you to think God is holding out on you, withholding the best from you. But God’s Word says He only has good plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11). 

When the enemy goes hard after your family using discontentment, the answer is to praise God for His goodness. 

  • “Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefitsWho forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”—Psalm 103:1-5 (emphasis added)

David’s words in Psalm 103 remind us to tell our souls—our hearts and minds—to praise God and remember all He has done for us.

Ask God to remind you of all He has done. 

  • Make a list or keep a prayer journal and watch as God begins to move in you and your family. Ask your family to share something God has done or is doing. Spend an entire meal focusing on the blessings from God rather than complaining about your have-nots. 

Ask God to remind you of where you will spend eternity. 

  • C.S. Lewis said, “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.” Paul reminds us that this is not our home but that we can look forward to an everlasting home in heaven. We aren’t supposed to be satisfied in this broken world because we were made to be in a relationship with Jesus. Remind yourself and your family where your real home is. 

Deliverance from Familiar Spirits: Exposing and Overcoming Hidden Spiritual Threats

Familiar spirits are one of the enemy’s most deceptive tools, operating under the radar in ways many believers fail to discern. These spiritual entities are linked to individuals or families, working behind the scenes to undermine spiritual growth, perpetuate generational curses, and distort God’s truth. If you’re going to walk in freedom, understanding how familiar spirits operate and how to break their hold is critical.’

What Are Familiar Spirits?

Familiar spirits are demonic entities that are deeply familiar with a person’s history, habits, and weaknesses. These spirits cling to families or individuals, gaining access through open doors like occult practices, unresolved sin, or even generational iniquities.

These spirits often work through witchcraft, divination, or necromancy, and they love to impersonate the deceased, giving false comfort to those grieving or seeking answers. Their goal? To pull you away from God’s truth, distort your perceptions, and keep you trapped in spiritual bondage. They’re not mere nuisances; they are demonic agents sent to destroy your spiritual walk.

How Familiar Spirits Operate

  1. Deception and Manipulation: Familiar spirits excel in twisting reality, presenting lies as truth. They’ll impersonate loved ones, mimic the Holy Spirit’s voice, and even give counterfeit spiritual experiences that leave you feeling confused and spiritually misled.
  2. Influencing Behavior: These spirits subtly nudge your thoughts, leading to persistent negative emotions or habits. They can make it seem like breaking destructive cycles is impossible, whether through anxiety, addiction, or compulsive behaviors.
  3. Reinforcing Generational Curses: Familiar spirits latch onto generational sins and curses, reinforcing unhealthy family patterns and keeping entire bloodlines trapped in cycles of dysfunction and defeat.
  4. Counterfeit Spiritual Experiences: By mimicking real spiritual encounters, familiar spirits mislead believers into thinking they’re receiving divine revelations. These false experiences can steer you off course, leaving you vulnerable to further deception.

Why Familiar Spirits Are Dangerous

The subtlety of familiar spirits is what makes them so dangerous. They work in stealth mode, often under the guise of familiarity, making it easy for believers to dismiss or overlook their influence. But here’s why you need to stay alert:

  • Spiritual Deception: Familiar spirits disguise themselves as angels of light, twisting truth and leading you astray from God’s plans for your life.
  • Emotional and Psychological Harm: The torment of familiar spirits can lead to depression, anxiety, confusion, and fear. They distort reality and weaken your ability to walk in peace.
  • Undermining Spiritual Authority: These spirits work to strip you of your spiritual authority, making you question your calling, your identity in Christ, and your ability to walk in victory.
  • Perpetuating Sin and Bondage: Familiar spirits reinforce the sins that seem impossible to shake. They work tirelessly to keep you in cycles of guilt, shame, and addiction, preventing you from stepping into the fullness of freedom that Jesus promised.

How to Break Free from Familiar Spirits

  1. Prayer and Repentance: It starts with humbling yourself before God. Repent for any open doors, whether through occult practices, sinful thoughts, or generational iniquities. Renounce every foothold familiar spirits may have in your life. The power of repentance is mighty to break demonic ties.
  2. Exercise Your Spiritual Authority: Jesus gave us authority over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19). Stand firm in that authority. Speak directly to these spirits, commanding them to leave in Jesus’ name. Don’t beg them to go—command them with boldness and conviction.
  3. Renew Your Mind with the Word: Familiar spirits thrive in confusion and ignorance. Saturate your mind with the Word of God to fill the voids where deception once lived. Memorize Scripture, meditate on it, and declare it over your life.
  4. Seek Deliverance: Sometimes, the battle is too intense to fight alone. Seek out a trusted deliverance minister or seasoned spiritual leader who can help guide you through the process of deliverance. There is no shame in asking for help when the enemy’s grip feels too strong.
  5. Break Generational Curses: If familiar spirits are tied to generational curses, it’s time to draw a line in the sand. In the name of Jesus, break every curse and renounce every sinful pattern that has plagued your family. Declare the freedom of Christ over your bloodline and release blessing instead of bondage.
  6. Stay Spiritually Vigilant: Deliverance isn’t a one-time event—it’s a lifestyle. Stay vigilant by maintaining a strong prayer life, guarding your heart, and being cautious of any practices that could invite these spirits back. The enemy is always looking for open doors, so keep them shut.


Familiar spirits are not harmless; they are serious spiritual threats that need to be dealt with. These demonic forces deceive, manipulate, and destroy. But you don’t have to live under their influence. Through the blood of Jesus, the authority of His name, and the power of the Word, you can walk in freedom. Deliverance is possible, but it starts with discerning the enemy’s tactics and being bold enough to take action. Jesus came to set the captives free, and that includes freedom from the hidden threats of familiar spirits.

In Christ, you have the victory over every enemy, and no familiar spirit can stand against the power of God working in you. Walk in the freedom that belongs to you today!

Generational Curses

Some “deliverance ministries” and Charismatic groups teach the existence of hereditary spirits, also called generational spirits or familial spirits. These entities are thought to be evil spirits that attach themselves to a particular family and harass them through multiple generations. They are demons inherited from one’s ancestors.

Those who teach the existence of hereditary spirits consider them the source of various sins such as pride, lust, perversion, anger, rebellion, fear, and addiction. Generational or hereditary spirits are blamed for “generational curses” that result in poverty, sickness, disease, confusion, failure, and even death. According to the concept of generational spirits, a man struggles with anger issues because he’s being influenced by an “anger demon”—the same demon who provoked his father and grandfather to anger. A woman who struggles with depression is being oppressed by a “depression demon” that was invited into the family by the sin of an ancestor—one who practiced witchcraft, perhaps. Once attached to the family, the demon causes trouble down the lineage.

Usually, deliverance ministries recommend that a person renounce the generational spirits and all the curses his or her family is under, “binding” and “rebuking” all the demons, ordering sickness away, etc. (This must be done out loud, so the demons can hear the rebuke.) The idea is that one must cast out all the demons and break all pacts with the devil made by ancestors. Only then is one free to grow spiritually in Christ.

The idea of hereditary spirits or generational spirits has more in common with paganism than it does with the Bible. Neo-pagans and Wiccans readily admit a belief in generational curses, demons that attach themselves to a certain family, and the idea that occult power can be passed down through one’s family line. In paganism, breaking a generational curse often involves working with one’s (dead) ancestors.

The teaching of generational spirits has no biblical foundation. Some try to defend a belief in generational spirits by pointing to passages such as Deuteronomy 5:9, “I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.” However, it’s important to note that this passage (and others such as Exodus 20:5 and Numbers 14:18) does not mention any spirits. We might call God’s punishment here a “generational curse,” but the text references no generational or hereditary spirit. God was disciplining the rebellious in Israel, but demons are not said to be involved.

The effects of sin (specifically idolatry in Deuteronomy 5) are naturally passed down from one generation to the next. God’s punishment of someone’s children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren has nothing to do with familial demons and everything to do with the consequence of bad choices that affect others in the family. Any type of sinful choice can possibly impact several generations of one’s offspring and cause much suffering.

Further, when a father has a sinful lifestyle, his children are likely to practice the same sinful lifestyle. Implied in the warning of Exodus 20:5 is the fact that children will choose to repeat the sins of their fathers. God promises to punish sin to the third or fourth generation because those generations are committing the same sins their fathers did. But nothing in the Mosaic Law suggests a demon attaching itself to a family.

Also of note, God’s warning to visit iniquity on future generations is part of the Old Testament Law, not New Testament grace. A generational curse was a consequence experienced by a specific nation (Israel) for a specific sin (idolatry). The history books of the Old Testament (especially Judges) contain the record of this divine punishment meted out.

The idea that every sin or problem today can be blamed on a generational curse is unbiblical. The idea of a generational spirit is even less biblical. It is unfortunate that some today are deceived by various notions borrowed from pagan practices, bundled with biblical truth and presented as proper for Christians.

For someone worried about a generational curse or a hereditary spirit, the answer is salvation in Jesus Christ. A Christian is a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). How can a child of God be under God’s curse (Romans 8:1)? Why should one redeemed by God and indwelt by the Holy Spirit fear any demon? “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

Yes, God promised to visit Israel’s sin upon the third and fourth generations, but we need to keep reading. In the very next verse, He promised that He would show “love to a thousand [generations] of those who love me and keep my commandments” (Exodus 20:6). In other words, God’s grace lasts a thousand times longer than His wrath.

Thanks for stopping by!

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