Monday, January 25, 2021

Romantic Layout


Hello friends!  Today I have a layout that I created featuring Creative Embellishments

Hibiscus Corners , Hibiscus Border and You Have My Whole Quote.

So this layout reflects some of my favorite color combinations and to be honest I am really ready for some warmer weather and just to get outside and enjoy some fresh air.  The colors remind me of Spring. I know it's a little early for Spring fever considering our Winters in Wyoming don't even start until March and that's usually when the wort of the weather shows up. So hear I am wishing for an early Spring!

To alter the Hibiscus pieces I painted them with a light blue acrylic paint and the embossed them with a light blue glittery embossing powder.  The quote was simply painted with a darker blue acrylic paint.




To finish up  this project I added some flowers from my stash as well as a few sequins in random areas.

 Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today!


1 comment:

  1. This is nothing short of enchantingly gorgeous. What a sweet, elegant, and awesomely detailed masterpiece of a LO.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life
